Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence


Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence

Many people throw around the term “narcissist” very casually, using it to describe an individual with high self-esteem rather than one who actually has narcissistic personality disorder. Below, we explain what narcissism is and how it differs from self-confidence.What Is Narcissism?Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an excessive need to feel important and impress other people....[ read more ]

Stress Baking: How Baking Can Help Relieve Anxiety

If you’re often overwhelmed by worry, you’ve probably looked into steps you can take to relieve your anxiety, and you might have come across something known as “stress baking.” Does baking really help reduce anxious thoughts? For many people, it does! Here are a few reasons why baking can be a great stress reliever:Baking forces you to focus on step-by-step...[ read more ]

3 Benefits of Group Therapy

Have you considered attending group therapy? During these sessions, a therapist leads a small group of patients in discussion, encouraging them to share any issues they’re experiencing and offer each other advice. Group therapy sessions often focus on a specific issue, such as improving social skills, recovering from addiction, or coping with the loss of a loved one. While group...[ read more ]

Understanding Claustrophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

Claustrophobia causes someone to intensely fear confined spaces (for example, airplanes, caves, elevators, MRI machines, and tunnels). In some cases, even thinking about being in an enclosed space can produce symptoms. The fear associated with claustrophobia can be so extreme that it interferes with a person’s ability to work, attend school, and participate in other routine activities. Many people with...[ read more ]

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Anxiety can affect every aspect of our lives, including our employment. And if workplace anxiety isn’t properly managed, it has the potential to negatively impact our careers.For example, if a promotion would require you to interact more with clients, give more presentations, or take more business trips—and you feel stressed at the prospect of having to take on those tasks—you...[ read more ]

What Is the 333 Rule for Anxiety?

If you regularly experience anxiety, you may have researched ways to relieve your symptoms and come across a coping mechanism known as the “333 rule.” But how does it work? The next time you’re feeling anxious, try:Naming three things you seeNaming three sounds you hearMoving three body partsHow Does the 333 Rule Reduce Anxiety?Although the 333 rule doesn’t work in...[ read more ]

How to Support a Loved One With OCD

Has one of your friends or family members been diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Below, we explain what OCD is, and we also offer tips for what you can do to support your loved one as they deal with this condition.What Is OCD?Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes someone to have recurring, unwanted thoughts and urges (obsessions) and/or perform repetitive actions (compulsions), often...[ read more ]

How to Support a Loved One Through a Panic Attack

Do you have a friend or family member who regularly experiences panic attacks? If so, you may be looking for ways to recognize when these attacks are taking place and offer your support. We’ve got the answers you need below.How to Recognize a Panic AttackEven if you’ve experienced panic attacks yourself, it can be difficult to tell when someone around...[ read more ]

Creating an Autism-Friendly Home

Autism spectrum disorder (commonly referred to simply as “autism”) is a neurological and developmental disorder that can affect how someone learns, communicates, behaves, and interacts with others. If you have a family member who has autism, you may be looking for ways to make them feel more comfortable in your house. Here are some helpful tips for how to create...[ read more ]

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Causes & Symptoms

Bipolar disorder (previously referred to as “manic depression”) is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings. Someone’s mood can shift from extreme highs (mania or hypomania) to extreme lows (depression). The frequency of these shifts varies from one person to another.What Causes Bipolar Disorder?Researchers are still trying to determine exactly what causes bipolar disorder. With that said, studies...[ read more ]

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