Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal Trauma Therapy  with or with out Equine Assistance

The recent explosion in new portable electronic communication devices has generated the need for evolving clinical thinking about the meaning of spousal infidelity in the age of these new media. To further the understanding of the emotional reactions of those affected by Internet, Smartphone and social media-related infidelity. The results show that even when sexual behaviors are limited to online, partners can lose trust in their loved ones, feel the need to seek assistance, and identify themselves as victims of trauma. The concept that partners’ feelings and actions that were formerly considered indicative of codependency can be normative behaviors of trauma victims seeking to regain control of their lives.

Try the Equine Assisted Learning, Activities , Horsemanship, and Therapy as an alternate approach to conventional methods.


CPTT – Certified Partner Trauma Therapist Hourly rate $165.00

Equine Assisted Betrayal Trauma Group-2hr sessions $125 per  group session series of 5 sessions if paid in advance for all 5 sessions it is $600.00 ($150 savings)

This group  focuses on emotional regulation, grounding, mindfulness, self care, boundaries, and  trust.

Please inquire about scheduling and group times and locations.

Packages with Coaching, Therapy, and Groups Available upon request

(719) 822-1495

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